Little House Learning Co.

How Much Does Homeschooling Actually Cost?

Frugal Living homeschool Homeschool 101

How Much Does Homeschooling Actually Cost?

One of the most common questions I get asked is, "How much does homeschooling cost?". Either it’s from families who are looking into homeschooling and overwhelmed by the price tags they see everywhere or it is from nay-sayers who say that homeschooling is only for the very wealthy.  Being in the homeschool community, I know that this is a hard question to answer. No two homeschooling families look the same, and neither do their income levels! The United States Census Bureau (USCB) did four surveys in 2021 about income levels for homeschooling families (see table below). 57.3% of homeschooling families...

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A Day in the Life: Preschool Daily Rhythm

homeschool Preschool Scheduling The Early Years

A Day in the Life: Preschool Daily Rhythm

Over the years our daily rhythm has fluctuated and changed quite a bit. Our seasons with newborns or babies, looked very different than it does now with our youngest being in preschool. But, I think it is incredibly helpful to see how others arrange their day since it gives such a practical glimpse into how homeschooling is done. Our Preschool Homeschool Schedule Our youngest child is three this year and we are following the Let Them Be Little Preschool with her, so here is what a typical day in her life looks like:  6:30amShe usually is one of our first kids up and comes into our room to...

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What is a Living Book?

homeschool Reading The Early Years

What is a Living Book?

If you have been around the homeschooling community in the recent years, especially in the Charlotte Mason homeschool community,  you've probably heard someone refer to a book as a "living book". The first time I ever heard this phrase it really captured my attention. It resonated somewhere deep within me and I wanted to know more about what makes a book "living". Maybe you've also heard the opposite term--calling a book "twaddle". There is a lot wrapped up in each of these terms, so I wanted to share what they mean, how you can identify them and other factors you can...

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Intentional Celebrations: First Day of School

homeschool Intentional Celebration Motherhood

Intentional Celebrations: First Day of School

Our first day of school is coming up, and if you know me, you know I love celebrating this day! When I was a child, I would lay out my new school clothes and pack my backpack WEEKS before school started. I loved the feeling of a brand new, clean notebook (still do)!  With homeschooling, I want to offer my children this experience too, even if its not quite the same. Here is how we celebrate! First Day of School Traditions First Day of School Gifts Since we don't buy back-to-school supplies in the same way (we usually get books,...

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Let Them Be Little: Preschool the Charlotte Mason Way

Chores Frugal Living Habits homeschool Motherhood Outdoor Play Preschool Reading The Early Years

Let Them Be Little: Preschool the Charlotte Mason Way

“To form in his child right habits of thinking and behaving is a parent’s chief duty… To nourish a child daily with loving, right, and noble ideas we believe to be the parent’s next duty.” Charlotte Mason, Vol. 2, p. 228 "In this time of extraordinary pressure, educational and social, perhaps a mother’s first duty to her children is to secure for them a quiet growing time, a full six years of passive receptive life, the waking part of it spent for the most part out in the fresh air." Charlotte Mason, Vol. 1, p. 4 Our Charlotte Mason Preschool Experience...

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