Little House Learning Co.

End of the Year Reflection Questions

homeschool Intentional Celebration Scheduling

End of the Year Reflection Questions

But before we dive headfirst into our summer plans of camping and traveling, I take time to reflect on all this year has been. I know from years past that if I don't pause for a moment and reflect, I will forget the insights I have gained. It's also easy to breeze into another year without celebrating the "wins" we've had in this one! 

So here are a few questions for reflection and evaluation that I'm walking through this spring as we wrap up our year.

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Living on One Income: How We Made it Work

Frugal Living Motherhood

Living on One Income: How We Made it Work

Whenever I talk to moms about staying home or homeschooling, I often hear comments like these. Honestly, I was probably the one saying these things to others a few years ago. But, then the Lord put the desire on our hearts to have me stay home, caring for our children full time, and home educating. And, when the Lord ignites a passion and conviction in you, I believe He makes a way to make it possible! 

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Birding with Kids + Resources!

homeschool Nature Study Outdoor Play

Birding with Kids +  Resources!

Homeschooling has surprised me in many ways, but one of them is how much I love studying birds with my children. Studying birds is not necessary for an excellent homeschool but it has enriched ours in many ways. 

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10 Tips for Saving Money on Homeschool Resources

Frugal Living homeschool Scheduling

10 Tips for Saving Money on Homeschool Resources

The other day I shared on Instagram how much we budget for our children each year for homeschooling, which is about $350 per child (or less). I couldn't believe how many were shocked by this number! I think there is an assumption out there that homeschooling is expensive. But in my experience, homeschooling is only as expensive as you make it.  Obviously, there are some costs, but if you're intentional it doesn't have to be more than you can afford. It can be way less than what you would be spending at your local public school too.  The best ways to...

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10 Ideas For Little Ones When Mom Needs a Sick Day

Motherhood Preschool The Early Years

10 Ideas For Little Ones When Mom Needs a Sick Day

One summer our three kids were up nearly hourly with what my husband calls the “kid parade”—just one kid in our room after another after another! When I am fatigued and stressed, it is the perfect storm for my autoimmune disease to flare up. That summer I felt sick nearly all summer. Unfortunately when mom is sick she doesn't always get a sick day. My kids were very young and needed me constantly which made it very hard and humbling.  Whether you have sickness running through your house and it’s finally landed on you, you have a chronic illness, you’re in a...

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