Little House Learning Co. — Homeschool Helps
Homeschooling with a Toddler
homeschool Homeschool Helps Motherhood Preschool The Early Years Toddlers

The toddler age is one of the most precious stages. Your toddler is exploring their world, asserting their voices and very curious about everything. But they do make homeschooling a challenge, no question about it. Whether it was flipping light switches, running away, climbing tables, opening cupboards or just creating general chaos, my toddlers made a simple to-do list of school subjects feel like a massive undertaking on some days. Homeschooling with a Toddler Even though something is hard, that doesn't make it bad. In my years of homeschooling with a toddler underfoot, here are a few of the things I did to navigate this...
10 Homeschooling Questions (Others Have For You) and How to Answer Them

If it hasn't happened to you yet, it will. The homeschool inquisition. It can take many forms- at the grocery check out, the dentist office, or from a well-meaning relative- but especially over the holidays, it is very common for conversations to steer into this territory. No matter who is questioning you, giving an answer that is full of grace can go a long way. And a little information doesn't hurt either! 10 Homeschooling Questions (Others Have For You) and How to Answer Them First things first: you don't need to defend yourself. Sometimes just listening to someone is enough....
Finding Your Homeschool Tribe
Community homeschool Homeschool Co-op Homeschool Helps Motherhood

A real concern of homeschooling is finding community. We all know that the built in community in a school system isn't always great, but it is community none the less. How do you begin to find community when you are brand new to homeschooling or to your area? How do you find community when you have mismatched ideals among your family members, with some preferring large group connections and some recoiling at the idea of being in a group of strangers? How do you find community while still protecting your schedule and time at home? Finding the "Right" Homeschool Community...
Homeschool Atmosphere and Hormones
Atmosphere Charlotte Mason homeschool Homeschool Helps Hormones Mother Culture Motherhood

If you listen to the stories of homeschool graduates, as well as experienced homeschool moms, there is one thing that sets each homeschool apart from all others. I wish I could say it is the curriculum that was chosen, how the school room was organized or even which co-op or education method a parent used but it really isn't. It's not even the books! The biggest defining factor of a homeschool is the homeschooling parent. The homeschooling parent (usually the mother) influences the atmosphere of home more than anything. Charlotte Mason emphasized atmosphere as one of her three main tools for education. She is quoted...
Homeschool Helps: Youtube
homeschool Homeschool Helps Technology

How do you feel about Youtube? In our house we don't allow free access to Youtube (mostly because we don't have individual devices) but we do use Youtube for school, a lot! We cast youtube to our tv so we can watch and enjoy, together. How We Use YouTube for Homeschool Here's a quick list of all of the ways we use Youtube in our homechool: Handicraft Tutorials: There are so many handicrafts I want to teach my children but don't have the skills for, so YouTube to the rescue! We've watched embroidery videos, drawing tutorials, needle felting how-to's etc. Hymns: I...