Little House Learning Co. — Homeschool Co-op

Finding Your Homeschool Tribe

Community homeschool Homeschool Co-op Homeschool Helps Motherhood

Finding Your Homeschool Tribe

A real concern of homeschooling is finding community. We all know that the built in community in a school system isn't always great, but it is community none the less.  How do you begin to find community when you are brand new to homeschooling or to your area? How do you find community when you have mismatched ideals among your family members, with some preferring large group connections and some recoiling at the idea of being in a group of strangers? How do you find community while still protecting your schedule and time at home? Finding the "Right" Homeschool Community...

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Our Homeschool Co-op Story

Community homeschool Homeschool Co-op Motherhood

Our Homeschool Co-op Story

How to Find a Homeschool Co-op in Your Area Homeschool co-op has been one of the best things about homeschooling for us. We love the community aspect and I love that it lessens my load of subjects that I need to teach at home.  Finding a co-op can be so challenging, especially if you live in a rural area. If you're looking to get plugged into a co-op start by asking homeschool parents in your area. If you know someone who home educates, don't be afraid to grill them about every club or group in your area at they're aware of....

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