Little House Learning Co. — homeschool

Winter Nature Study

homeschool Nature Study Outdoor Play winter

Winter Nature Study

The concept of nature study can be intimidating, especially if you live in a snowy climate. When it is freezing outside, this can be the farthest thing from your mind. But, it doesn't have to be complicated or boring. There are lots of ways to engage in meaningful nature study in winter time.  The Basics of Nature Study Get Outside and Go Together: When we get outside together we can explore lots of new places, I can model the basics of nature study and we can make memories together.   Observe and Identify: When we're outside, we try to notice all...

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When Mom Needs a Sick Day, Part 2

homeschool Motherhood The Early Years

When Mom Needs a Sick Day, Part 2

As someone who struggles with an autoimmune disease, I am in need of a sick day more often than I would like. Whether it's a chronic illness, health condition, pregnancy or a bad bug that runs through your family, we all need some back-pocket ideas for homeschooling when sickness takes mom out!   When Mom Needs a Sick Day: How I Homeschool 1. "Full-Court-Prep": When I wake up and know I'm going to be sick for the day, the very first thing I do is give my full effort to about 30-40 minutes of prep. I pull out every material and book we...

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Habits and Hymns

Bible Habits homeschool Motherhood Preschool

Habits and Hymns

“The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days.” Charlotte Mason  I read all of Charlotte Mason's words about "smooth and easy days" and habit training and I was very inspired. But when I tried to teach my child any of the less-concrete virtues, like kindness, gentleness or patience, everything flopped.  I found myself nagging my kids and yelling "Be kind to each other!" only to find---duh--- it wasn't working. How do I actually help my child want to live and choose a virtuous life? How can I explain what...

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Self Care Without Help

homeschool Mother Culture Motherhood

Self Care Without Help

If you've been with me awhile, you know that I've talked a lot about self care. The risk of burnout is so high for homeschooling moms because of the unique load of responsibilities. I believe that self care is a fundamental part of homeschooling sustainability. Some moms have built in help that lends itself easily to self care. Maybe you have trusted family, a friend or neighbor who lends a hand when you need it. Maybe your spouse has a flexible schedule or works from home and is therefore able to share the load of homeschooling and housekeeping with you well. ...

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A Gift Guide for Homeschool Moms

Christmas Gift Guide homeschool Mother Culture Motherhood

A Gift Guide for Homeschool Moms

I don't know about you, but whenever anyone asks me for a gift idea, my mind tends to go blank.My birthday is a month before Christmas, so it can be a lot of ideas to come up with at once. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite gift ideas, either of things on my own wish list or things that have brought joy to my homeschooling and mothering! Enjoy!  *indicates Christian content +indicates companies run by homeschooling moms Gifts for Your Bookish Homeschool Mom: 1. The Hobbit T-Shirt: I absolutely love the design of this bookish t-shirt. It feels...

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