Little House Learning Co. — homeschool

Establishing a Quiet Rest Time

Habits homeschool Motherhood Scheduling

Establishing a Quiet Rest Time

What is a Quiet Rest Time? For the last 6 years we've practiced this rhythm of rest time. For 60-90 minutes a day each of us goes into a separate room of the house to be alone and rest. Sometimes we nap, but most of the time we just play or work on our own things. Since we're together so much of the day with homeschooling, this rhythm is recharging for my introverted children and it allows for quiet processing of all the information we've learned in the morning together. Why Summer is the Best Time to Begin a Quiet Rest...

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Our Homeschool Co-op Story

Community homeschool Homeschool Co-op Motherhood

Our Homeschool Co-op Story

How to Find a Homeschool Co-op in Your Area Homeschool co-op has been one of the best things about homeschooling for us. We love the community aspect and I love that it lessens my load of subjects that I need to teach at home.  Finding a co-op can be so challenging, especially if you live in a rural area. If you're looking to get plugged into a co-op start by asking homeschool parents in your area. If you know someone who home educates, don't be afraid to grill them about every club or group in your area at they're aware of....

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Why We Chose Ambleside Online

Ambleside Online Curriculum Review homeschool

Why We Chose Ambleside Online

Our family has used the Ambleside Online homeschool curriculum now for two years so I wanted to do a more in-depth curriculum review of why we chose Ambleside Online and how it varies from similar Charlotte Mason curricula.  If you're just getting started or are curious about Ambleside Online, check out this post: Getting Started with Ambleside Online. Why We Chose Ambleside Online First, I love that it is free. There is nothing more discouraging than paying tons of money for a curriculum and then finding out it isn't a fit! You still need to buy all of the books but you're not paying for the "curriculum...

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Homeschooling Parents and The Pressure to Prove Yourself

Community homeschool Motherhood

Homeschooling Parents and The Pressure to Prove Yourself

Have You Heard This Before?  Have you ever met a veteran homeschooling mom who, right after she tells you how many years she has on her "homeschool mom punch card", gives you the litany list of each of her children's' accomplishments? It sounds something like this... "Well, my Gilbert studied at Oxford and now teaches full time at Hillsdale, has completed seven Iron Man competitions and just finished completing his goal to visit to every country in the world before he turned thirty. Agatha got married at twenty after getting a double degree in Ancient Languages and Bible and now has six children under age five and has...

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Homeschool 101 Course

homeschool Homeschool 101 Scheduling

Homeschool 101 Course

When I first sat down and googled homeschooling I was confused. I read one article that told me how to homeschool but the very next thing I read said the complete opposite. Between all of the product promotion, strong opinions and the sheer amount of information on blogs, podcasts, youtube videos, instagram, facebook and homeschool curriculum websites, it was very overwhelming! I spent the next four years researching everything I could get my hands on. I spent well over 1,000 hours trying to fully understand the world of homeschooling and all the methods, curricula, and approaches.  And I now I have compiled everything...

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