Homeschool 101 Course

homeschool Homeschool 101 Scheduling

When I first sat down and googled homeschooling I was confused. I read one article that told me how to homeschool but the very next thing I read said the complete opposite.

Between all of the product promotion, strong opinions and the sheer amount of information on blogs, podcasts, youtube videos, instagram, facebook and homeschool curriculum websites, it was very overwhelming!

I spent the next four years researching everything I could get my hands on. I spent well over 1,000 hours trying to fully understand the world of homeschooling and all the methods, curricula, and approaches. 

And I now I have compiled everything I know into one place for YOU! I've created the video training course I wish I would have had that will give you an incredible start to your homeschooling journey!

three pictures of mom reading with children, teaching teaching and boy writing at a table.

Homeschool 101: What's Included? 

Part 1: Finding Your Homeschool Method

Learning Laws and Lingo: One of the trickiest parts of homeschooling is learning your state laws and all of the lingo that goes along with it. Homeschool 101 has all the links you need and all the lingo defined for homeschooling in Canada, Australia and the US. 

Finding Your Homeschool Method Quiz: So often I see families throw in the towel because they try homeschooling and feel like their failing at it...without knowing that it is just their curriculum that isn't a fit! This quiz will help you narrow down the board world of homeschooling methods to find a method that fits you family based on what you already value! 

Five Methods Explained + Bonus Considerations: From there, this course will explain each of the main homeschooling methods in detail, offering the most popular curricula choices within each method. You'll get an overview of each curriculum as well as all the links to their website, support group/community, buy/sell/trade groups, popular blog reviews, unboxing videos and other helpful resources. Also included are book titles for further reading and deep dives on each method. 

girl watercoloring at homeschool table.

Part 2: Homeschool Scheduling 

Scheduling Your Year and Scheduling Your Week: Once you're headed in the right homeschool curriculum direction, we'll talk through the four main styles of scheduling your year and the four main styles of scheduling your week. Included in the course are scheduling worksheets so you can play around with your subjects and see what style of scheduling fits you and your family best. 

Part 3: Caring For Yourself

How to Avoid Burnout: One of the biggest things that impacts your homeschool is the health of the primary educator (typically the mother) and this is often overlooked. In the spirit of equipping you to begin well and remain sustainable, we'll talk about how to avoid burnout, creating your homeschool vision and creating student goals. Included are self-reflection worksheets on this topic as well as a habit tracker, list of inspirational homeschool books and printables for goal setting with your students.

Part 4: Caring For Your Home

Setting an Atmosphere of Education: Home educating requires use of your home in a much different way. We'll sit down and talk through how you can cultivate and atmosphere of education in your home as well as teach life skills and chores to your children. Included are our top resources checklist (aka "must haves" for setting up your school space) and a life skills and chore chart by age. 

Part 5: Getting Started

FAQs: In the final video from the course we'll talk through some of the most frequently asked questions about homeschooling, socialization, homeschooling and money and celebrating your first day of homeschool. Included are ideas for making money while homeschooling, a first day of school printable questionnaire, first day of school pennants from the Little House shop and our top 100 picture book checklist!  

homeschool 101 infographic listing the course chapters.

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