Visual Hymns: Volume 1
Visual Hymns are a helpful way for young children to learn the wonderful songs of our Christian heritage. Many of these hymns have survived for hundreds of years or more. Hymns give voice to human longings, contain rich scriptural truths and connect us with tradition and saints of the past. They will not survive the next generation without us teaching them to our children. Throughout a school year, these nine visuals hymns will help your kids easily learn these popular hymns:
- Amazing Grace
- How Great Thou Art
- Jesus Paid It All
- Rock of Ages
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- (Christ) The Solid Rock
- Blessed Assurance
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
(You will find these visual hymns--and much more!-- in the Habits & Hymns curriculum, but this is a stand alone product offering for those interested in the visual hymns only. It does not include the hymn histories or virtue and habit training guides and information found in the Habit and Hymns curriculum. If you have already purchased Habits and Hymns, you do not need to purchase this product separately. This is a digital download.)